đź“ş Octonauts, let's do this!


10 Hidden Perks of Your Amazon Prime Membership

In the past, we relied on paper lists and brick-and-mortar stores, but Amazon Prime has revolutionized the way we shop. While free shipping and exclusive shows are great, don't miss these 10 hidden perks that can enhance your membership.

Some kids pick up new favorite shows all the time, but when my son finds one he loves, he goes all in. We've been through dinosaurs, space stuff, construction vehicles… you name it. But nothing, and I mean nothing, has grabbed his attention like The Octonauts.

You Learn More from The Octonauts Than You Did in Science Class

I used to think kids' shows were just fun distractions, but The Octonauts changed my mind. Now my son knows so much about ocean life, more than I did at his age (or, let’s be real, even now). He just casually mentions stuff like gulper eels and decorator crabs, and he's super into ocean ecosystems. The other day, I called a fish a shark, and he was like, “Nope, that’s a wobbegong!” Who would've thought?

It's crazy how much he picks up from these animated adventures. The mix of action, teamwork, and real marine biology just clicks for him. And honestly, I kinda enjoy watching with him. I find myself learning right alongside him, and I’ve gotta say, kids' TV today is way more educational than the Saturday morning cartoons I grew up with.

And it’s not just Octonauts, some kids’ shows are really educational

  • Magic School Bus - Science

  • Rubble and Crew - Construction

  • Super Why - Reading

What kids’ TV Show do you find surprisingly educational?

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Cool Project/Activity for the Week

Build Amazing Structures with Magnetic Tiles

Yep. Magnetic tiles again. That’s because after spending some $ on Amazon for these, you got to get your money’s value.

A Robot, one of our creations

Materials: A set of magnetic tiles from Amazon
Cost: $30–$50 (if you don’t already own a set)
YouTube Link: Fun Magnetic Tile Ideas

If you build one, we’d love to showcase it. Just reply to this email and we’ll get back to you.


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